Vote-By-Mail Ballots Shipment
Broward SOE Invites Media To View VBM Ballot Send-Off And Tour
The Broward County Supervisor of Elections will begin mailing requested Vote-By-Mail (VBM) ballots this week to voters who have requested they be mailed a VBM ballot.
US Postal Service trucks will be at the Voter Equipment Center Thursday at 10am to collect approximately 240,000 Vote-By-Mail ballots to be mailed to those who requested a ballot.
Several requests to see the processing of VBM requests and ballots have come to the Elections office. In response to these inquiries, media are invited to view the loading and departure of the trucks, and immediately following a tour of the Voter Equipment Center will be conducted.
The BCSOE anticipates an additional 40,000-50,000 will be mailed in the following 7-10 days as new VBM applications continue to be processed as received.
During the 2016 General Election, 291,051 VBM ballots were mailed to voters and 203,400 VBM ballots were timely returned.
What: Loading of approximately 240,000 VBM ballots onto trucks with media tour of VEC
immediately following
Location: Voter Equipment Center (VEC) located at 1501 NW 40th Ave., Lauderhill, FL 33313
Date: Thursday, July 9, 2020
Time: 10:00 AM until Noon