Broward County Florida Elections
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Press Releases

How to Be Prepared for the November 8th General Election

For Immediate Release

Charles Vazquez 0 2657 Article rating: No rating

For Immediate Release

How to Be Prepared for the November 8th General Election

Broward County, FL (November 7, 2016) - On Tuesday, November 8th, polls will open at 7:00a.m. to 7:00 p.m. for Broward County voters who were registered to vote by October 18th, 2016.  Supervisor of Elections, Dr. Brenda Snipes, would like to share the following helpful reminders on how to be prepared for Election Day:


  • Florida law requires voters to present a picture ID with signature at the polling place.  Acceptable forms of ID are: Florida Driver’s License (quickest to process), Florida ID Card, US Passport, Military or Student ID, Public Assistance ID, Neighborhood Association ID, VA Healthcare ID, Concealed weapons permit ID, Government Employee ID& Debit/Credit Card.  Please note: IDs must have current signature.  Any combination of picture and signature is accepted.


·           The voter information card is not necessary in order to vote. It is a helpful tool to identify your districts, precinct, and polling location. Go to our website and click on precinct finder.  If you have moved, you are required to vote in your new home precinct.



  • A voter can take a marked sample ballot or other helpful information into the polling place.  Remember that Broward’s ballot is a two page ballot (front and back). Read all sides of the ballot to ensure you see all ballot amendments and initiatives.  


  • You will be asked for ID. If you do not have ID you MUST vote a provisional ballot. A provisional ballot is always counted when the voter is shown to be registered and eligible, regardless of the closeness of the outcome of the election. A person who votes provisionally simply because he or she forgot ID at the polls will not have to do anything else. If the signatures on that ballot certificate and the voter roll matches, the provisional ballot is counted.


·         Would you like to see if you are eligible to vote, track your absentee or provisional ballot?  Go to our website and click on Check my voter status.  


·         If a voter has requested a vote-by-mail ballot and later decides to vote at the polling place instead, you may bring the vote-by-mail ballot with you to be cancelled at your polling place and receive a new ballot to vote at the po

Read the Broward County State Attorney Office's results regarding an inquiry into the processing of vote-by-mail ballots

For Immediate Release

Charles Vazquez 0 3256 Article rating: No rating




FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33301-3360    PHONE (954) 831-6955












DATE:            NOVEMBER  4, 2016

On November 3, 2016, Deputy Chief Investigator Tim Bronson and I met with Chelsey Marie Smith and Attorney Robert Nichols. Ms. Smith provided to us an affidavit wherein she testified that she observed four employees at the Supervisor of Elections Office filling out blank ballots, on October 31, 2016, in a secured room identified as the Pitney-Bowes room. She indicated that she was employed through a temporary employment agency and was working full-time at the Broward County Supervisor of Elections main office in Lauderhill, Florida. Ms. Smith further indicated that she was terminated by the Elections Office on November 1, 2016, and was not told the reason for her termination.

On November 4, 2016, Deputy Chief Investigator Bronson, Assistant State Attorney Whitney Mackay, and I met with the Supervisor of Elections, Dr. Brenda Snipes, at the Supervisor of Elections Office. After discussing the complaint with Dr. Snipes, we toured the facility, which included inspecting the Pitney-Bowes room. We met with Canvassing Board Member Judge John Frey and spoke with Supervisor of Elections employee Mary Hall, who is in charge of Absentee Ballots.

Dr. Snipes acknowledged that it was entirely possible that Ms. Smith observed what she described in her affidavit. Florida Statute 101.5614(5)(a) states:

If any vote-by-mail ballot is physically damaged so that it cannot properly be counted by the automatic tabulating equipment, a true duplicate copy shall be made of the damaged ballot in the presence of witnesses and substituted for the damaged ballot. Likewise, a duplicate ballot shall be made of a vote-by-mail ballot containing an overvoted race or a marked vote-by-mail ballot in which every race undervoted which shall include all valid votes as determined by the canvassing board based on rules adopted by the division pursuant to s. 102.166(4). All duplicate ballots shall be clearly labeled "duplicate," bear a serial number which shall be recorded on the defective ballot, and be counted in lieu of the defective ballot. After a ballot has been duplicated, the defective ballot shall be placed in an envelope provided for that purpose, and the duplicate ballot shall be tallied with the other ballots for that precinct.

Dr. Snipes explained that military personnel who are stationed overseas fax their ballots to the Elections Office. Since the ballots are on fax paper and not the same size as the ballots that are tabulated by the machines, the statute allows a duplicate ballot to be made so that it can be tabulated by the automated machines. Federallaw allows military personnel overseas to fax their ballots to the Election Offic

High School Early Voting Field Trips

For Immediate Release

Charles Vazquez 0 2926 Article rating: 5.0

Broward County, FL (October 31,2016)- In January, the Broward County Supervisor of Elections Office with the cooperation and significant support of the Broward County Public Schools and numerous Private and Charter Schools conducted the annual High School Voter Registration (HSVR) Drive. During the week-long drive, a total of 11, 946 students pre-registered and registered to vote.


Over 16 Broward County high schools will be participating in early voting field trips over the next two days. Most of the students will be first time voters. The students will early vote at various locations across Broward County.


The Supervisor of Elections Office would like to congratulate all participating students for their commitment to becoming registered voters during the High School Voter Registration Week and engaging in the electoral process. 


Dr. Brenda C. Snipes

Broward County Supervisor of Elections

Media Contact:
 Tonya C. Edwards, MPA
 Public Information Officer
 954-712-1303/ 954-299-2937

Wilton Drive Temporarily Closed in Wilton Manors

Press Release

Charles Vazquez 0 2848 Article rating: No rating

Broward County, FL (October 30, 2016)-Our office received confirmation from Broward Sheriff's Office that the Secret Service and Wilton Manors Police Department have closed Wilton Drive due to the impending arrival of Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton in the Wilton Manors area. The closure will last until approximately 4 pm today. Voters may be affected and should use the Art Serve/Ft Lauderdale Branch Library as an alternative early voting location until road reopens.


Art Serve/ Fort Lauderdale Branch Library

1350 E. Sunrise Blvd. Rm 103

Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33304



 Media Contact:
 Tonya C. Edwards, MPA
 Public Information Officer





Broward County Supervisor of Elections Office


Dr. Brenda C. Snipes

Broward County Supervisor of Elections

Broward Voters are Breaking Records

Press Release

Charles Vazquez 0 2591 Article rating: 2.5

For Immediate Release

Broward Voters are Breaking Records


Broward County, FL. (Oct 25, 2016)—The Broward Supervisor of Elections Office is pleased to announce the first day of early voting was historical. Over 31,400 voters cast their ballot on Monday. First day early voting numbers have tripled since 2008. That is the highest number in a single day since the start of early voting in 2004.  On Oct. 4th, the office mailed out 173,000 vote by mail ballots. More than 86,000 have been voted and returned.

“These numbers are a good indication of a healthy democracy.” said Dr. Brenda Snipes, Broward County Supervisor of Elections Office. “We want to assure voters they can vote with confidence. We have more sites, longer hours of operation, and shorter wait times.”

 The office received 24,000 voter registration applications during extended voter registration deadline. We encourage voters to check their voter status and track their vote by mail ballot. Go to our website: and click on My Status located on the main page.

In other related issues, two voters reported that Amendment 2 was not on their ballots. The voters were issued new ballots. A total of more than 80,000 ballots have been processed. No other ballots have been confirmed to not have the Amendment 2 issue on the ballot.

Another voter received a ballot with poor print quality. The voter was not able to see the amendment. She notified the staff and was issued new ballot which she voted.


For any questions or concerns, please call the main office of the Broward County Supervisor of Elections at 954-357-7050.


Dr. Brenda C. Snipes, Supervisor of Elections


Media Contact: Tonya Edwards, 954-299-2937