Broward County Florida Elections
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Voter Registration Forms Sent Are Not From Broward Elections Office

For Immediate Release

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For Immediate Release


Voter Registration Forms Sent Are Not From Broward Elections Office

Broward County, FL. (June 20, 2016)— In recent weeks, many Broward voters have contacted our office alarmed about a mailing they have received regarding their voter status. The opening statements of the letter indicate that the voter is not registered to vote in Broward County. The letter is sent from the Voter Participation Center (VPC) located in Washington D.C.  Although the organization is well- intentioned in its support of voter registration, their mailings are misleading and often sent to voters who are deceased, or unknown at the listed addressed.  Some voters have reported that letters have been addressed to a family pet, an incorrect use of names such as nicknames, or to adult children who no longer reside in the home.


We want to insure that voters are not confused by this unsolicited correspondence and that their concerns are addressed quickly.

Therefore, voters who receive the VPC letter are encouraged to contact the office of the Broward County Supervisor to verify their voter status on our website: and click on My Status located on the main page.


For additional questions or concerns, voters may call the main office of the Broward County Supervisor of Elections at 954-357-7050 or contact the Voter Participation Center at 202-659-9570.



Dr. Brenda C. Snipes, Supervisor of Elections




Media Contact:

Tonya Edwards, 954-299-2937

Evelyn Perez-Verdia, (954)605-4848